Monday, April 15, 2013

Unfinished Sentences

1. I usually worry about everything. I have self-diagnosed myself with anxiety, because all of the symptoms fit. I worry about asking teachers things, talking to people, looking like an idiot, ordering food at restaurants, whether or not I'll succeed in the future, and so many other things.
2. I feel angry when people are unnecessarily rude to others. I can be fairly outspoken which is sometimes taken for rudeness, but when it's completely unnecessary it just pisses me off. Respect is an element lacking in our society today, and the amount is dwindling still.
3. I’m moody when I have been around people too much. There are certain things that completely drain me, like crying and socializing, and when I have done too much of either, I get really grouchy. It's something I need to work on.
4. I’m happiest when I am reading. Escaping to another world allows me to leave my own, and that makes me happy.
5. I feel confident when I know a lot about something. I am sure it's some sort of complex, but knowing more about something than someone else makes me happy that I can teach that person something. Sometimes it comes off as arrogance, but I really like being able to pass on what I know.
6. I feel frustrated when trying to get someone to see my point of view and they refuse to even look. Closed-mindedness angers me. I firmly believe that everyone we meet in this world has lived their own life and knows something you don't, so don't just ignore what they have to say.
7. I feel depressed when I am alone. I have this weird ability to forget everything that's going on in my life when people are around, but when they're gone I remember and I become incredibly depressed.
8. I am comfortable when I am alone. I know that based off of my last answer this doesn't make much sense, but somehow they're both accurate. I guess it's because I don't have walls up when I'm alone, and that's easier?
9. I feel nervous when I am around a lot of people that I do not know. Talking to new people isn't my strong suit, and I become incredibly awkward when trying to converse with them.
10. I feel sentimental when I think about growing up with my brother. Looking back, we had a lot of adventures together, and whether he reciprocates that feeling or not, I will always cherish the fun we had growing up.

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