Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Likes & Dislikes

  • The concept of TV in general. It's hard to explain, but the idea of television fascinates me.
  • I really enjoy NBC comedies. The big four are 30 Rock, Parks and Rec, Community, and The Office, but I also enjoy classics like Frasier and F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
  • Fantasy shows like Once Upon a Time and Doctor Who. It's nice to be able to immerse yourself in a different world and to think "what if this were real?"
  • Pinterest. It's a wonderful distraction from actual work that I need to do.
  • Netflix is something I believe was invented in the heavens and I am thankful for it every day.
  • Intelligence without arrogance.
  • Blogging. Not necessarily this blog, though it is a little enjoyable, but actual blogging where I can vent and post things I like.
  • Smart comedy. I like to have to watch something a couple of times to catch everything. It keeps stuff fresh.
  • Tattoos with a story.
  • Feminism. I feel this one requires a longer explanation than I can provide.
  • Ice Cream, because it is like sweet heavenly thickened nectar.
  • John Green novels, specifically, The Fault In Our Stars. Never have I cried so much while reading a book.
  • The combination of the colors Mint and Cream.
  • Waffles with whipped cream. De-lic-ious.
  • Tennis is probably my favorite sport and I love playing it with my dad.
  • Cancelled plans. I feel a wave of relief every time someone backs out on something, unless it's school related. Then it just pisses me off.
  • The laziness behind the misuse of your/you're and too/to/two. Really people, it's not that hard to use the right word!
  • I know this isn't a popular opinion but: The show "The Big Bang Theory" as well as "Two and A Half Men." I wish I could put into words how angry I get when these shows get high ratings when their jokes are flimsy and lazy.
  • The prevalence of ignorance today.
  • When public places don't have Wi-Fi.
  • Slow internet connections that cause my streaming to be unquality.
  • Poorly written shows with bad characters and terrible plot lines.
  • The term "real fan." A fan is a fan is a fan, and no one has the authority to tell you you're not a fan of something.
  • Incorrect grammar. Its not to awful hard too right good.
  • Blatantly homophobic statements with no value other than bullying gay people. It's fine if you don't believe that it's right, but being cruel is never acceptable.
  • The fact that as a nation we are debating on whether basic human rights should be given to minorities and those less privileged.
  • Touchy-feely people who freely hug those around them. I don't want your arms around me, nor did I ask for you to place them there.
  • Feelings-y people who share how they feel with anyone and everyone. I've always kept how I feel to myself, and I would appreciate if others would take the same approach when speaking to me.
  • Chocolate Ice Cream. It's bitter and gross and just now.
  • People who don't think Mean Girls is the best movie ever made.
  • The limit does not exist for the amount of hatred I feel towards math, even if it is the same in every language.
  • Black licorice, because it's truly disgusting.

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