Monday, April 15, 2013


Which is wiser? a pen or pencil? 
A pencil is not permanent, and is easily altered when errors occur. For this reason, I chose a pencil as being the wiser.
Which is more fearful? new or old? 
I can see this going both ways, but for me at least, new is scarier. Those with a past they want to forget would probably choose the latter though. I think new is scarier because it is the unknown and that freaks me out a little bit.
Which is more difficult? a dream or a nightmare? 
Reality can be rather cruel. Dreams are more difficult because they remind one of how much reality sucks.
Which is braver? an hour or a year? 
An hour and a year can both change an entire life, but it's easier to undergo that change in a span of 365 days than one hour. For this reason, an hour is braver, because it's very sudden.
Which has more pride? an entrance or an exit? 
I think an exit has more pride in it. It is harder to enter something than to exit.
Which is more suspenseful? rain or snow? 
I think snow is more suspenseful. Snow covers things up and hides what's going on. Rain is suspenseful in its own right, but snow is more so.
Which is more useful? a friend or an enemy? 
Depending on your level of ability to be conniving, or lack thereof, both a friend and an enemy can be useful. However, if you play your cards right, and enemy can be of more us than a friend.
Which is more trustworthy? history or literature? 
Both history and literature are incredibly important. One teaches you about yourself, the other teaches about past. As far as facts go, history is more trustworthy because they're what history is composed of.
Which is sadder? seek or find? 
Finding something is a road coming to an end, but also a goal achieved. It's very bittersweet, but I think it's probably the sadder of the two. Seeking something doesn't really come with any negatives.
Which costs more? a home or a house?
A house costs more. A home is somewhere that's comfortable; it's a place where the rest of the world is forgotten, and that is priceless.

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