Monday, March 4, 2013

Rejection from Society is What Created the X-Men

    When I asked around to see what others thought a word to describe me was, most of the answers were positive adjectives. I just shook my head and smiled uncomfortably. This probably explains why all of the words I came up with on my own lumped together can be summed up with one word: awkward. The combination of obsessiveness, social ineptness, artsy, passiveness, aloofness, and intelligence collectively describes my Myers-Briggs personality type, INTJ, almost to a tee.

    On top of the weird traits that stem from my personality type, I also have a problem accepting compliments. When people tell me I look nice or something along those lines, I have a difficulty responding. I don’t know that this is connected to the whole geek thing from the first paragraph; I think it has more to do with the fact that I don’t believe it. This self-deprecation presents itself in other instances too. For example, it makes me nervous to order food in a restaurant or talk on the phone. I think this all stems from my irrational fear of coming off as an ignoramus. I didn’t really think about this until the other day, but almost everything I do starts with the root of not wanting to come off as an idiot.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bayless,
    I love reading the things you come up with becuase it really amazes me how your imagination just soars. I can definitley see how by asking around you got positive things because you are a very positive person. I don't think there has ever been a time that I've seen you be negative, except maybe in Mr. French's class but who isn't? Haha. I don't exactly see how you're akward though but when you add together everything that makes your personality it sort up starts to make sense. I can kind of relate to your last paragraph and believe me, you having nothing to worry about. People do crazy things every day and you are far from an idiot.
