Thursday, February 28, 2013

The One With Suitcases, Safehouses, and Sentimental Stuff

Even though hypothetical situations make me nervous, I’ll humor you on this one. Hypothetically, I’m being taken away from everything I’ve ever known to a place with no power. I don’t need anything to survive; that’s being taken care of. However, I do need things to remind me of home. These are the things I would bring:

1.) The first item I would bring in my suitcase would be my stuffed bear, Cinnamon. I got him when I was born and he would remind me of my past and who I once was. In all the movies you see about the protagonist losing themself because they have to assume a false identity, they lose their sense of who they were, and I don’t want that to happen to me.

2.) I would bring the collection of pictures and cards that I have collected over the years from friends and family. They all mean a lot to me and the memories behind them mean even more.

3.) I would also bring the quilt my great-great-grandmother made. It’s super warm and comfy and smells like my house.

4.) My scarf from my grandmother would definitely be added in to the mix. My grandma is wonderful and crocheting and it’s super-duper warm and reminds me of her.

5.) My journal. I need to write and communicate with people somehow, so I would bring my journal and something to write with.

6.) Bossypants by Tina Fey. The book cracks me up and I need something to remind me of my sitcoms.

7.) My Arrested Development shirt that my brother got for me for Christmas this year. I only have one brother and I guess I need something to remind me of him.

8.) My autographed picture of Amy Poehler because a.) my parents got it for me and b.) I love Amy Poehler. It sounds pretty weird, but it’s special to me.

9.) The fuzzy socks my mom got for me would definitely be included in the suitcase. I need something to remember my mom and I like fuzzy socks.

10.) The funeral program and rose from my grandpa’s funeral. My grandpa was really important to me and I don’t ever want to forget him.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how long you would last without your TV sitcoms or reruns of them :)
