Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chocolate-Covered Something-or-Others

One of my family’s favorite stories to bring up also happens to be one of my fondest memories. It was my family’s Christmas get together when I was around five or six, and my aunt brought these delicious-looking, chocolate-covered somethings. She is a really good cook, so we all wanted to try one. I lifted the chocolaty orb to my mouth and sunk my teeth into the gooey ball. As soon as my teeth passed the outer chocolate layer onto the next, I found myself making a sound that resembled something like “blech” and removing the “candy” from my mouth. When I peered inside the broken layer, I saw white fibers coming out of the opening. My reaction was imitated by everyone else as they all realized what was inside. My aunt had covered cotton balls with almond bark chocolate.
The next year, we were all a little more hesitant to consume the chocolate covered spheres she brought, but after much assurance from both and her and my uncle that there were definitely no cotton balls used in the making of this year’s creation, we went ahead and tried one. This time though, I waited to see the general reaction before trying the candy. The looks on everyone’s faces were those of confusion, not disgust, so I popped the candy in my mouth to see what the fuss was about. As the chocolate melted though, I regretted my decision. I did not know what I had just put in my mouth, but I knew I did not like it. It turned out this year the chocolate covered substance was a pearl onion. My grandpa didn’t seem to mind the oniony flavor and had about four in his hand, eating them like any other candy. It was only after he finished his handful that he noted they had a bit of an odd flavor, but weren’t bad.
These two instances make for great holiday chatter now and while rather disgusting, the memory is one of my favorites.


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