Monday, March 18, 2013

In A Pickle.

I have never really found myself in a pickle that I could not figure out myself. However, if such a situation did arise, I would call one of two people: my mom or my best friend, Megan. 
My mom and I argue quite a bit and we do not always see eye to eye, but I know no matter what, if I needed her, she would be there in a heartbeat to help me out. I don't always open up to my mom and I tend to shut her out, but I know if the time came for me to need her help, she would not hesitate to be there.
Megan has been my best friend since first grade. We have been through it all together- divorce, death, dating- and we have both been made stronger by these experiences. I know that if I called her at any hour for any reason, she would listen. We've had our share of arguments, some more serious than others, but we have overcome all of them and have left them in the past.
I guess the common theme here is that both of these people have stuck around, even when I probably wouldn't have had the roles been reversed.


  1. I would probably call the same people (mom and/or bestfriend). I chose to call my grandpa because he is kind of a bad-a**. Anyways, my mom and I argue a lot as well, we are both super stubborn so we tend to butt heads a lot. Just like you though, I know I can always count on my mom. Great blog Bayless. :)

  2. lemme ask this, who would answer? plus i understand that it depends on the situatuation but still i need to know who are you gonna call? its a life or death situation! wonder...
