Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Generation For Change

Our generation is not exactly renowned for its work ethic. However, every generation has things they need to do in order for the next to be able to do what they need to. Had the Wright brothers sat on their butts and chose not to build their idea for a flying contraption, we probably would not have the airplanes we use every day. If Alexander Graham Bell had not invented the telephone, our generation would not have the present danger that is texting and driving. Much like these fellows who have shaped our society today, it is our job, and really the job of every generation, to make a path for those who are to follow us.
I do not think any generation really knows what their job will be until it presents itself clearly. It is hard to see the big picture when you’re too close to it. We can look back on previous ages and say, “Oh, yeah, that was what that age group did and this is how it affects us now.” But when one is trying to figure that out in regards to one’s own life, it is incredibly difficult to see what exactly that thing is.
There is not a doubt in my mind that our generation will come up with cool gadgets and new inventions, but I think the most important thing we can do, really the most important thing any generation can do is change society as a whole. In 100 years, the iPhone 10 will be that ancient collectible that your grandma pulls out of the closet for family get-togethers that causes everyone to groan (because really grandma, we’ve all seen this 17 times by now.) Our legacy will be the advances we made towards humanity, not the technological hurdles we have leaped over. Frankly, I am a little concerned that our generation will lose sight of this. We have an unhealthy addiction with technology that will distract us from the main goal. Yes, I am using first person pronouns, because I am guilty of this too.
I do think one of the goals of our generation should to eliminate oppression in every demographic. It is 2013 and women still do not make as much as men for the exact same job. It is the 21st century and gay people still cannot get married in all of America. Segregation has been declared unconstitutional for decades but people of color still have little representation in government bodies considering their numbers in the population. These three groups of people all have one thing in common: decisions are made for them by a majority of straight, white men. Now, these issues do not seem that big now, but look back on slavery: slave owners thought what they were doing was right too. Will future generations look back on the decisions we have made regarding these three demographics and feel the same disgust we feel towards those who owned slaves? The answer is, unfortunately, probably yes. Honestly, that makes me incredibly sad for our state as a generation and I hope to see a change of this in my lifetime.


  1. Well I can honestly say, Bayless you have put a lot of thought into this one. Which it turns out that the only reason things are the way they are today is because of white men that have the authority and leadership over everyone. It is sometimes hard to find that true, but it is what it is. We just have to lie on with our lives and try to stick out there and make our own choices.

  2. Bayless,

    I always enjoy reading your posts and hearing your thoughts. I feel that you are wise beyond your years and your humor about life and situations in general will take you so very far in life. I could see you making it onto the set of Saturday Night Live when you go and visit New York! I would love to say I know that girl! She was hilarious in school! I learned a lot about the Nielsen rating system and that really irritates me too now! I watch all my shows on the internet which I guess counts for nothing now, major bummer! I especially enjoyed the above entry because you opened up your post to all the issues that are pressing in the nation today that seem to be blinding people from realizing their discrimination and segregation. It is not fair that our world is so judgmental that people cannot live the way in which the founding fathers intended them to here in the U.S. Also, your blog based on your autobiography was open and real. I am glad that you could share that with the class and the world that views your blog. One more year and you are out of here to do great and wonderful things! (Hopefully try out for SNL!!)

    Mrs. Slagle
