Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bleep blorp boop ptang zee?

I think it would be completely ignorant and perhaps even a little arrogant to think that in the endless universe, our planet is the only one with life. From a scientific standpoint, the probability of another planet having the right conditions for beings to thrive is so high that it is next to impossible that something is not living there. From a religious standpoint, the thought that God took enough time to create the Earth and put enough thought into how to make it perfect, would it not only make sense that he did the same with another planet?
Maybe that planet does not have life that science fiction has deemed as “alien,” but I think there is life out there beyond our little Earth. They might not have UFOs or green skin with antennas, but I think it would be extremely naïve to believe that we are all there is. There are countless galaxies, innumerable planets, and inestimable opportunities for life to exist and to think that in all of this, only one planet, in one galaxy has life is frankly conceited. Plus, how cool would it be if you had a doppelganger in another galaxy?


  1. You make a very valid point. There is so much space and galaxy's out there how could there not be more life than just us. You need to watch the show 'Ancient Aliens' on history channel. I think you would get really into it!

  2. i wil agree with jake and say good point. just like that though if God spent all that time making this planet perfect in his eyes then why woud he try again? maybe he got exhausted after this planet and took a nap? why does the font change half way through the blog? what is a doppelganger?
