Thursday, March 7, 2013


                Webster defines courage as “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” To me, courage presents itself only in situations where it is hard to be courageous. It is easy to show a brave face when you still have something to hold on to. Anyone can be brave if they do not fear losing anything, but it is those times in which someone has the possibility to lose everything that true valiancy shines through.
                This is very evident in the stories that stand the test of time. If Cinderella had started out as a princess losing her shoe, no one would retell the story. Had Mulan stayed home and done what her family had expected of her rather than fight in a war, the ballad would not be a favorite among millions today. It is those stories with characters that start with next to nothing and risk everything that stick with us. Because that is what courage is, bravery amidst those that are most unlikely to be brave.
            To me, there are many types of bravery, but that is what true courage is.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are absolutly right!..Except for one thing. "courage presents itself only in situations where it is hard to be courageous." But, you've got to think about the other person's perspective. Kind of like i said in my post. If your friend is petrified of riding rollar coasters but you ride one in front of him he will think you are very courageous.

    Side note- I'm not afraid to say, Mulan was an excellent movie, and had to be one of my favorite movies I watched in my childhood. I probibly watched it like 50+ times :)
