Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cats aside, where do I see myself in 10 years?

Ten years from now, who knows where I will be? All I can hope for is that in a decade, I will be satisfied with my life up to that point. Hopefully I will have a job that I enjoy, preferably something in the entertainment industry. That last part is a long shot, so I am not planning on it, I am just hoping that my life takes that path.

Even if this does not work out, I want to live in either Chicago or New York. I definitely know I do not want to live in Missouri for the rest of my life. I am glad that my roots are here and I have been blessed to have this small town shape me into who I am, but my future does not lie here. I did not feel this way until a little over a year ago. I can remember thinking when I was younger that this tiny town was where I would spend the rest of my life, even when all of my friends felt otherwise. Now, I can't wait to leave this mind-numbing place and see what the world has to offer. I want to have papaya on the beach at Virgin Gorda; I want to toast Pine Nuts at the mouth of an active volcano; I want to experience the world.

So I guess I really do not know where I will be in ten years, and I rather like the sound of that. If I knew now, I would probably screw it all up somehow. My plan for the next ten years is to just take things bird by bird and worry about situations as the come. I know this won't happen, I mean I worry about everything, but a girl can dream, right?

1 comment:

  1. I loved this blog. :) I have a little bit of a different out take on staying in our small town. I am a huge family person and most of my family lives here. Therfore, I want to stay here. I have never liked big cities, so I don't wish to ever live in one. Although, I would love to go visit them. As for the papaya and pine nuts, I feel that I can still do those thigns even if i stay close to where I grew up. Lastly, a girl can always dream, thats how one makes there life the way they want it to go.
