Monday, March 11, 2013

Application of Information= Education

There are many different ways for one to be considered “educated.” The word is completely relative to whatever one is supposed to know a lot about. For example, it would not matter if a farmer could recite pi in its entirety if he did not know how to grow crops. One who is educated has the responsibility of applying what they know. There is no use in one knowing everything there is to know about a certain topic if they can never put that knowledge to use.
I also believe that it is the responsibility of someone who is passionate about something to be at least remotely educated on the topic. One who practices feminism and claims to stand for women should know what it entails and why it is important. It is obvious that one does not need to be seriously educated to know that women are oppressed, but a little background knowledge on the history of women would be beneficial.
I do not think that anyone can be considered completely uneducated. Everyone knows a lot about something, however useless that information. Those that we consider uneducated either do not possess common sense and are too specialized, or those that do not apply what they know. Either way, both are still educated, they just do not show it. Education is not knowledge. Education is the ability to execute the information you have already.


  1. Education is perceived as something important in society. From obtaining a job with higher pay or just higher standard in living. I agree that going into an educational field that is worthless such as art is definitely looked DOWN upon. Unfortunately, people who cannot afford an education are stuck with the lower class label but it doesn't always have to be that way. For the world today, it only takes a good idea to become rich and uphold a higher living standard.

  2. Sura, I didn't say I thought the arts were worthless; where did you come up with that? I actually plan on going into the arts actually. I don't think one needs to have a lot of money to be considered educated, everyone has knowledge about something.
