Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sparkle Words

1.       Answered – countered, replied, retorted
2.       Literally- eliminate altogether
3.       Said- reiterated, chuckled, demanded (depends on context)
4.       Got- received, obtained, acquired
5.       Many- multiple, sundry
6.       Boring- lackluster, dreary
7.       Mean- malicious, callous
8.       Nice- agreeable, friendly, charming
9.       Things- belongings, possessions
10.   Brought- offered, transported
11.   Like- for instance
12.   Happened- occurred, transpired
13.   Apparently- seemingly
14.   Seem- appear
15.   Great- fantastic, neat, fetch
16.   Awesome- breathtaking, remarkable
17.   Really- surely
18.   Whatever- all that jazz
19.   Walked- waltzed, sauntered, sashayed
20.   Stuff- paraphernalia, junk
21.   Big- behemoth, immense
22.   Obvious- clear, apparent
23.   Small- Pint-sized, miniscule, diminutive
24.   Runs (ran, running)- sprints, lopes
25.   Just- exactly enough
26.   Yelled- hollered, roared, bellowed
27.   Feel- believe, think
28.   Very- extremely, achingly, exceedingly
29.   Actually- in actuality, truthfully
30.   Is- continues, persists
31.   Loudly- ostentatiously, ear-splittingly, deafeningly
32.   Quietly- soundlessly, noiselessly
33.   Does- fulfilled
34.   So- extremely, remarkably
35.   All- wholly, utterly
36.   Suddenly- swiftly
37.   All of a sudden- abruptly, unanticipatedly
38.   Here- in this place
39.   A lot- a plethora, abundance
40.   Social- gregarious, extroverted
41.   Up- ascend
42.   Down- descend
43.   Love- venerate, revere
44.   Hate- loathe, abhor
45.   Strong- potent, distinct
46.   Wondered- speculated,
47.   Awful- abominable, repulsive
48.   Move- maneuver, shift, stir
49.   Thought- pondered
50.   Favorite- beloved
51.   Cool- fantastic
52.   Decided- concluded
53.   Chose- elected, selected
54.   Made- created
55.   Meant- intended
56.   Yeah- of course
57.   Bad- corrupt, terrible
58.   Sad- gloomy, dejected
59.   Mad- infuriated, fuming
60.   Glad- elated, jubilant
61.   Tired- fatigued, drained
62.   Smart- clever, intelligent
63.   Dumb- unintelligent, phlegmatic, dense
64.   Stupid- injudicious
65.   What?- pardon
66.   Destroy- eradicate, extirpate
67.   Not good enough- insufficient, bereft
68.   Poor-impoverished, indigent
69.   Funny- jocular, sidesplitting
70.   Hard- arduous, rigorous
71.   Interesting- fascinating, though-provoking
72.   Certain- unquestionable, incontrovertible
73.   Cause- origin
74.   Next- subsequently, thereafter
75.   Old- matured, aged
76.   Part- section, component
77.   Energetic- vitality, dynamism
78.   Enjoy- savor, relish
79.   Sometimes- occasionally, intermittently
80.   Try- attempt, endeavor
81.   Want- desire, yearn
82.   Go- proceed, move
83.   Important- significant, meaningful, critical
84.   Add- attach, amplify
85.   Kind- variety, sort
86.   Beautiful- exquisite, stunning
87.   Definitely- inescapably, unquestionably
88.   Easy- effortless, undemanding
89.   Take- choose, select
90.   Use- employ, utilize
91.   Suggested- implied, indicated
92.   Hurt- impair, damage
93.   Help- assist, aid
94.   Know- comprehend, understand
95.   Begin- commence, initiate
96.   Told- confided, admitted
97.   See- witness, observe
98.   Far- distant, remote
99.   Place- location, site
100.                        Finish- complete, accomplish

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