Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reducing Caffeine, Keeping it Clean, and Other Things I Won't Do in 2013

I've never been one to participate in creating resolutions for the new year, mostly because I know I will not follow through and why set myself up for that kind of failure? However, this anti-resolution thing sounds interesting so here goes:
  1. I will not accept the inevitable ending of my beloved 30 Rock. I've known for months that my favorite show is ending, but the fact that my favorite show is ending hasn't hit me until these past few weeks. I know even after it is over, I'll still look forward to it every week and be let down when I remember that there will never be a new episode.
  2. I will not stop listening to the song "Call Me Maybe." When the song first came on last year, I changed it immediately. Every time it came on after that, I let it play just a little longer. Now, it's one of my most played songs and definitely what I consider to be my "jam." It's catchy, okay?
  3. I will not stop procrastinating. I basically wrote the book on procrastination, or at least I will someday. I've accepted the fact that I'll never be prepared for things and it has become part of who I am.
  4. I will not cry while watching TV this year. Okay, this is a bit of a stretch. 30 Rock and The Office both have their series finales this year. I will break this one by the end of January, if I even make it that far.
  5. I will not "make this summer the best summer ever." I hate that statement anyway. Why would I try to apply it to my own life?
  6. I will not attempt to cut back my time spent on the Internet. I'll be the first to admit I probably spend too much time on the Internet. I'll also be the first to admit that I don't care and that there are much worse things I could be doing with my time. This blog is just my newest excuse. If you're at all concerned about how much time I spend on the web, stop reading my blog. You are acting as an enabler.
  7. I will not stop interjecting fun facts while watching TV or movies. Yes, I realize it's obnoxious. That doesn't mean I have any plans to stop.
  8. I will not keep my room clean. It's a special kind of organization that only I understand.
  9. I will not stop treating my truck like an ignorant human. My vehicle is probably the most verbally-abused individual in my life. When he doesn't do what I tell him to, it makes me very angry and even though I know I look crazy talking to my truck, I don't care. He deserves every verbal insult I've ever given him.
  10. I will not attempt to cut back on my caffeine intake. So what if I'm wired until 1 a.m. I like my Sweet Tea and Dr. Pepper, okay?


  1. Oh Bayless, you are a hoot! You come up with the cudest and/or funniest things to say or do. First off I loved your title pretty cute. How do you come up with these things?! Second I like how you just tell it like it is such as anti-resolution #5 about not making this summer the best summer ever. Bahah, I couldn't help but laugh at that because it is so true. The story about your truck is pretty funny as well and I can kind of relate except I don't really verbally- abuse my car, just the other people driving around me. I have a teeny-tiny bit of road rage. I'm not that bad, I mean..It's getting a little better..Sometimes. But good luck on your anti-resolutions this year!

  2. First off, your hilarous secondly I have enjoyed reading these :) I can't really relate to your TV show antiresolutions i've only had one TV heartbreak and I didnt watch it when it came out I watched it after it was over on the good ole Netflix, and that show would be OneTreeHill...ahhh*tear. Anywho your second one is so relatable to and the reason for this is because this summer I finally got into this song and now I have many inside jokes with this song. Thanks to church summer camp hahaha.The internet one is so true i'm on my phone constantly just browsing, mainly pinterest or etsy and occasionally the helpful web browser google. Well I enjoyed the giggle I recieved when I read these. Goodluck with all of your antiresolutions.

  3. Bayless, oh Bayless. Your life is a mess girl. When I say its a mess, I mean its full of fun and emotions. That's not quite what I expected from you but that's probably because I don't know you that well. I suggest its time to start realizing that everything ends or dies including television series. We all don't want to believe it but its a law of life. Music is music, procrastination is procrastination and everyone loves both. I like how your attitude is to not stop doing what you do. You are keeping yourself strong by being yourself and having people deal with it. It's life and we all can just live up to it however we want to. Just remember, caffeine is good but an addiction to it will greatly cost you in the long run. Money is almost everything and saving now will make your life better.

  4. Bayless, why would you yell at your truck??? Even though it sounds like it would be really funny, why would you do that?? But it is good to hear that its your truck getting yelled at and not some random person or one of your friends. :)When it comes to crying over your favorite tv show ending, its ok to cry Bayless, i even do it sometimes, :) especially when Pretty Little Liars are having their season finale. When that happens though you have to look at the bright side of it and think "Hey! Is'nt their gunna be a new season coming out to buy on dvd?? So now i can watch it whenever i want??" Thats what you could look forward to :) or you could look forward to the new season of their shows, and how much funnier they might be whenever they come back to tv.

    1. Natasha, I can't look forward to my shows coming back on TV next season because it's a series finale. Meaning the end of the end. But thanks for the tips!

  5. Bayless,
    I am not sure how to start out this comment. :P Your anti-resolutions are great and very funny. I can relate to all of them. Your truck one literally made me snort because I laughed so hard. I am the same way with my truck. I am pretty sure that truck has sat through more lectures and screaming matches from me than anything else. Although I take a lot of things out on my truck I do love it and wouldn’t trade it for anything. Number 8 of your anti-resolutions is also something I can relate to because my room is always “messy” but like you, I see it as a different way of organization. :) Your last anti-resolution is one that I wish I didn’t have to stop but for the sake of me losing some weight I have to for a while. I hope that you can accomplish you anti-resolutions.

  6. Bayless
    I’m start by saying it does suck 30 rock is ending along with the office but even worse is some of the shows they are coming up with now days but I do love Wednesdays with shows like modern family and suburgatory but I love Fridays watching supernatural nut anymore I catch myself just watching it in Netflix or the internet. The internet is like the best thing in the universe why would you even think about trying to stop getting on to all the time? If I can’t be outside I am on the internet thinking about stuff to-do outside trying to figure out what fun there is. Last is your truck you know you have a god old Chevy if you can curse and scream at the steering wheel and hate it the entire time you own it. Yet a Chevrolet never the less through everything it takes will still start and drive when called upon

  7. Bayless, you never fail to keep me entertained. Your blog is one I am definitely looking forward to reading. Call Me Maybe is such a catchy tune. It's kind of one of those songs I hate to love. Procrastination is my weakness, but my friend told me something the other day I just loved. She said her father always tells her, "If you wait 'til the last minute, it only takes a minute." I love that! I hope it encourages you to keep procrastinating. ;) I feel your pain about the end of The Office, it just breaks my heart. Tyler, had a good point though, Wednesday night t.v. is top notch! As to interjecting fun facts, you sound a lot like my sister Kayla. She is always on IMDB whenever we are watching something and spouting any possible bit of information that is in any way related to what we are watching. My room has been quite clean lately, but I'm still a huge advocate of the organized mess. I don't necessarily yell at my car that often, but I do tend to yell at inanimate objects quite often.. I can't wait to read your next post! Keep it up Bay-dog!

  8. Lol caffeine is amazing it gets me so hyper so keep on drinking caffeine! I love that song it makes me think of me and carrie underwood having a phone chat. I used to always procrastinate but now im trying to do better but your super smart so either way it doesnt matter for you anyways. You might not cry by watchng tv this year but I probably will just because when i watch a show its like real life to me so when something sad happens it really affects me lol. Now ummm you might want to clean your room at least a little becasue thats just unsanitary lol! Oh ya and do like i do with my car, everytime i get pssed at it I punch it and then the pain makes me forget why I was so angry.

  9. Hi Bayless, I enjoy reading about how you would interject words while watching tv because that reminds me a lot about one of my relatives and they always interject some kind of words whenever the actor/actress in the tv says something that different from what they view in life. Sometimes its funny to watch but most times it is kind of annoying but your a really funny person in class so I would love to see what kind of fun facts you have to say when you watch tv. I would have to agree with not cutting back on internet since there more fun things to do on the internet rather than some other places. Good luck on your list!
